Thursday, October 30, 2008

I was thinking on the drive home today...
how it's been forced upon us by the media that we have it soooo bad. Times are rough. Economy's bad. Can't pay the bills. 401K's down.
I see so many newer model vehicles on the road than ever in history. Eating out is a minimum once a week. Everyone has cable TV. EVERYONE AND THIER KIDS have a cell phone. Most have computers with internet. What else? Times are bad.
There are people currently collecting unemployment and welfare that have more than most of us did growing up. Seriously.
I don't remember my parents buying new cars. Eating out was a treat. They took leftovers to work the next day. Does anyone eat leftovers anymore?
Yeh, times are hard now.

We're at a small bump in the road. Everyone's been living the high life for so long...including me.

Gotta go. Gotta go watch cable on my flat screen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is the truth Larry..