Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Stop the Insanity. We're going to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Over 5.4 TRILLION? Is that right? I know more than that.

Franklin Raines- Obama's Top Economic Advisor for his campaign. This guy made over 90 Million dollars while being the CEO of Fannie Mae.

James Johnson- Another Economic Advisor for Obama's campaign. This guy is the former Vice-Chair of Fannie Mae and Managing Director of Lehman Brothers.

Does anyone see the connection here?

Where is the liberal media?

It sickens me that people support these yahoos.
Who in their right mind would vote for these people?Unless you believe in a Socialist government?
Where's the investigations?
I don't want this debt. Let them freakin' fail.
Why do WE get to pay for their greed mistakes?
If you can't afford it, don't buy it. What do we learn if WE give them money WE don't have?

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