Sunday, December 12, 2010

my job

My manager took these last week I guess. I love refinishing cars, and lots of them...the right way. It's really the only thing I know lots about, and it's like getting paid for having a hobby. This is at the largest single manufacturer collision center in the nation. It's the size of a shopping mall. We got the account after only the second day. I had a blast last week.

This came from my manager this morning.

I am forwarding Larry Bruggman’s weekly report I just received. Larry is our TR “extraordinaire”. Though Haas has a total of 10 paint shop personnel, this line trial was run by only 2 people – Larry Bruggman as orchestrator and line trial “Boss”, and Beau Buteaux – account manager - as FULL TIME color mixer!!!!!!!!

I highlighted in RED font the metrics of the trial. 80 vehicles painted with NO TINTING OR CUSTOM COLORS MADE!!!!!!!!!!! SW had to constantly tint and make custom formulas on a DAILY basis!!!

Also, as I originally told you, the hours per gallon of clear conversation I had with Jeff on my 1st visit “hooked” his interest.

Observe the hours per gallon in Larry’s report – also PHENOMINAL!!!!!!! Over 100 hours per gallon of clear IN A LINE TRIAL / TRAINING SITUATION!!!!!!!!!

The BEST Jeff ever got with SW was 67 hours per gallon

Just as I did with Penske a few years ago, I WILL be writing a brag letter to product management about the performance of our products. People need to know that we are STILL THE BEST – by a LARGE margin!!!

Great job, Larry!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly Dickson


Andi said...

You are AWESOME! Period.

Anonymous said...

thanks love