This local buttnugget is tryin' to duplicate my design...Guess he got scared to run the stripes around the back. He looked at mine a while back. Dude, be more original.
30 minutes later:
Maybe I should be flattered.
You should be flattered & feel honored because the guy tried to copy you, but it is far from comparison to the work that you do.
I remember talking about putting black on top rather than orange on top. The problem is that the orange can't flow back (unless you painted all the top orange and got an orange canvas top). So you end up with a hood and half door kinda stuck together like there are two different pieces stuck together. Hard to explain that. Anyhow, yeah, we are all copy cats to some extent. We are all influenced.
You should be flattered & feel honored because the guy tried to copy you, but it is far from comparison to the work that you do.
I remember talking about putting black on top rather than orange on top. The problem is that the orange can't flow back (unless you painted all the top orange and got an orange canvas top). So you end up with a hood and half door kinda stuck together like there are two different pieces stuck together. Hard to explain that. Anyhow, yeah, we are all copy cats to some extent. We are all influenced.
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