Sunday, October 24, 2010

Caleb's Driving Lessons

Bubba's gettin' pretty good at driving the Jeepster. We actually went through rest of the subdivision. It felt kinda cool to just lean back and ride. Being chauffeured.
The clutch is tough. Needs to be replaced. I figured I'd let him learn on it before Uncle Mark fixes it. If he can drive the Jeep, he can drive anything...and because feeling, and knowing how to adjust to the vehicle is almost a thing of the past. I still prefer shifting.
Reminds me of dad's ol' blue Chevy. Three on the tree. Hung up if you weren't good at it. That's why I can drive anything.

1 comment:

terry said...

oh boy, Larry... now the worry least Caleb will know how to drive by the time he gets his license..