Friday, August 1, 2008

Serious Fishin'


I read this on a fishin' magazine site. It reminds me of the people on the jetty with the generators, spotlights, and wagons with custom wheels vs. the guys down at the mouth of the jetty that were fishing like we were. I still believe that the fish can't distinguish between the guys who prepared and spent more money on equipment, and the guys who didn't.

Editor: " A good friend of mine likes to fly-fish. He ties many of his own flies. He makes his poles. His research continues online as to river flow rates, hatches, moon phases, the proper sacrifices to be made, and so on. If it is new and improved, he has it."
" I went to Wal-Mart and bought my pole out of a clearance cart that was jammed with 50 other poles. It cost $12. I got my reels on eBay and at garage sales. My fly is almost always a Royal Coachman with the wrong-size hook. I'm not cheap, just lazy."
" We both stand in the river and fish. I'm just whipping up a froth with my line and grinning lobe to lobe. My friend is studying the azimuth of the sun's glint on the eddy current behind a rock. The presentation must be just so. Somehow this makes me grin just a little bigger. We both release our fish we caught and this makes us both smile(the fish, too)."


Keith said...

There's something weird about fishin' with a spotlight at 2:00am. Reminds me of the zomby retirees sinking nickel after nickel in the slots in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

exactly...or those people that spend dollar after dollar at chuck-e-cheese so that they can get enough tickets to get an eraser or an airplane glider.